Jason Christie - Identity Thief
(too old to reply)
7 Habits Of Highly Effective Penii
2004-10-16 23:36:28 UTC

small pressingsĀ» above/ground press: 8th Ave 15th St NW

new from above/ground press

8th Ave 15th St NW
a poem
by Jason Christie



"Jason Christie is secretly Jason Wasabi of the death metal/grind act
Wasabi. If they knew he wrote romantic fiction they would laugh him out of
the band. He's also known as High-C white Louisiana rapper from hell." He
is editing an issue of Open Letter with derek beaulieu on micro presses,
and the two of them, with angela rawlings, are editing an anthology of new
Canadian writing. He lives in Calgary.


We Jason Christies certainly are bastards, aren't we? ; )
http://BeDoper.com - BeOS and a hell of a lot more

Gortician's Not Dead, Punk

Gortician - "Purple Haze" cover
7 Habits Of Highly Effective Penii
2004-10-16 23:41:23 UTC

Bios of the Onions
YARD / Jason Christie

YARD, and subsequently yarDPress, is the form and function of Jason
Christie. Mr. Christie traveled to Calgary after completing his BA in
English at York University. Upon his arrival, and emersion, into the
Calgary literary scene, he was stunned, bewildered, and amazed at the
talent. So he ventured to showcase said talent, starting in his back yard.
The venue then moved into The Aurburn, and then the Hop and Brew, and now
is returning to his back yard this summer (anticipate a sunrise! reading)


In my obscure hip-hop group Meter Versus Yard, I am the "Yard" to Canadian
DJ Manticore's "Meter". I wonder if my Calgarian doppleganger knows this,
or is it just random chance?
http://BeDoper.com - BeOS and a hell of a lot more

Gortician's Not Dead, Punk

Gortician - "Purple Haze" cover
7 Habits Of Highly Effective Penii
2004-10-16 23:45:43 UTC

beautiful link

a conspiracy theory where you can't figure out which side is which, or even
what their aims are



http://BeDoper.com - BeOS and a hell of a lot more

Gortician's Not Dead, Punk

Gortician - "Purple Haze" cover
7 Habits Of Highly Effective Penii
2004-10-16 23:58:39 UTC
Fucking kook Masons:


"Anti-Masons from the past are shown in italics. Names with underlines have
direct links to our information on them. We add detail as time allows."

C Ron Campbell, Rick Carey, Daniel D. Carlen, Ron Carlson, William Guy
Carr, David/Donna Carrico, Anton Chaitkin, Barry Chamish, Darren Champen,
Jack Chick, Jason Christie (Louisiana), Tony Ciarlante, Richard Clark,
James J. Condit, Jr., Benjamin Cook, Ezra A. Cook, (Milton) William Cooper,
Tony Copple, Dan Corner, Bernard Cough, John Covici, Stan Cox, Bill Creel,
Rowland Croucher


Suck my dick, you Louisiana Masons... I'm the real Mason. You're all
poseurs. Fuck off before I smite you with my psychic killer Thetan sk1ll5.
http://BeDoper.com - BeOS and a hell of a lot more

Gortician's Not Dead, Punk

Gortician - "Purple Haze" cover