Post by dave hillstromOn Mon, 19 Jun 2006 02:23:21 +0000 (UTC), Flava Flavius Josephus
Post by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromOn Sun, 18 Jun 2006 13:07:08 +0000 (UTC), Flava Flavius Josephus
Post by Art DecoPost by dave hillstromOn Sat, 17 Jun 2006 18:03:26 +0000 (UTC), Flava Flavius Josephus
Post by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromOn Sat, 17 Jun 2006 16:16:37 +0000 (UTC), Flava Flavius Josephus
Post by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromOn Sat, 17 Jun 2006 14:31:52 +0000 (UTC), Flava Flavius
Post by Flava Flavius JosephusOn Sat, 17 Jun 2006 13:55:01 +0000 (UTC), Flava Flavius
On Sun, 11 Jun 2006 23:24:24 +0000 (UTC), Flava Flavius
Post by Art DecoPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusOn Sat, 10 Jun 2006 21:57:51 +0000 (UTC), Flava Flavius
On Fri, 09 Jun 2006 23:58:12 +0000, Flava Flavius
Three years in a row is enough for me. Thanks to
everyone involved. I just don't have time to post
much, and that's probably not going to change anytime
How long yah in for this time? Wasn't probation and or
Post by Art DecoPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius Josephus~obviously~ not intelligent enough to find your shizznit.
A link to a paper magazine due in August?
please, scotty, id appreciate that.
took you long enough to bust my chops.
maybe retirement IS a good idea for you.
Heaven forbid I do things away from Usenet, eh?
I work, on average, 65 hours a week off-site. With ten hours a
Post by Art DecoPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius Josephusor more travel time. Then I've been coming home and working on
the compilations for six hours a night. I averaged 4.5 hours
sleep for the past two months or so.
Released four CDs
Wired article, Slashdot review (both forthcoming)
Did a show with a national touring act
Filmed for a documentary
Asked to appear in another documentary
Released new tracks
And all the while, you're spanking it with a thumb up your ass on
Post by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusSo, sure, your attitude is entirely justified. And your opinion
Post by dave hillstrom<giggle>
you know, when i was doing 90+ hours a week off site in
manufacturing plants, in the mid to late 90s, i got real
cranky, too. and unless youre doing all this for charity,
there aint NO
Post by Art DecoPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromim going to pity you for it, OR think youre some god.
Neither of which were asked of you, NetTard.
since when do ~you~ require being asked before doing, NetDead.
So why say such a thing, then?
because your mere listing of real world accomplishments, and costs,
was, in the context of a.f, bragging, fishing for compliments,
asking for pity, call it what you will. so i responded
appropriately, for a.f. if wed been talking in email, or any other
group, my response would possibly have been different. but we
arent. were in a.f
Post by Art DecoPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusPost by dave hillstromreally dont want to retire to spankdom.
As soon as I find someone worthy of any effort on my part, I'll
get right on it, Nowhere Man.
my! the highbrow answer! yet another cliche! you really ~are~
Post by Art DecoPost by dave hillstromPost by Flava Flavius JosephusReach down and gently fondle my balls.
thats....close to cliche, but not quite. ill accept that as a
bone-ified response.
<puts on latex gloves to avoid the flora & fauna>
Be sure to ask jasnuh about the HUGE POOLS OF MOLTEN STEEL.
What would you like to know, moron?
i thought it was HUGE POOLS OF MOLTED STEEL. but i could be wrong.
Are either of you going anywhere with this?
yes. we're saying your a loon, jason. a nutter. a whackjob. even
IF you can hide it from the outside world.
is that clear enough for you, or do you need a diagram or overhead
From: dave hillstrom <***@TiNmEoW.oRg>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
Subject: Re: I'm On Strike
Date: 10 Apr 2004 19:36:50 GMT
Message-ID: <***@>
do what i did. develop several nasty mental illnesses and youll have
early retirement before you know it.
From: dave hillstrom <***@MeOw.OrG>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
Subject: Re: ive been up for two hours...
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 12:32:40 -0500
Message-ID: <dmfeut$o1$***>
my imaginary daughter is 18, shapely, and puts out for her old man.
From: dave hillstrom <***@MeOw.OrG>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, alt.flame,
alt.fucknozzles, alt.hackers.malicious,
alt.usenet.kooks,sci.psychology.psychotherapy, alt.flame, alt.snuh
Subject: Re: Year Long Persecution By Snuh
Date: Mon, 05 Dec 2005 20:56:13 -0500
Message-ID: <dn2r2o$8qj$***>
1998 Charter Pines in Charlotte, NC (no longer there, fuckheads)
2002 St. Johns Hospital, Tampa, FL
2002 Mental Health Corp, the county ward, Tampa, FL
i wish id taken acid...
From: dave hillstrom <***@MeOw.OrG>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk
Subject: Re: temperature
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 2006 19:11:31 -0500
Message-ID: <dsglmq$c1a$***>
i know i need to get a part time job, but every time i think of it or
and walk out the door to go look for one, my anxiety disorder (a subset
my bi-polar disorder) kicks in and i end up close to having a hardcore
anxiety attack, which means curling up in a ball and shaking, with
whirling, negative, uncontrollable thoughts, until i exhaust myself and
pass out. and no doctor in their right mind would prescribe me a
benzodiazapine, like xanax or ativan or valium, because ive been to
different mental wards due to suicidal ideations. that i drove myself
two of them alone, and signed myself in every time voluntarily, doesnt
matter. their insurance companies would cancel them, as benzos are
used for suicide. (yet they give me enough lithium carbonate to kill an
elephant each month. go figure.) so if you or someone else could tell
what im supposed to use to pay for heat, im listening. really.
From: dave hillstrom <***@MeOw.oRg>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: Re: oh gods, let this bullshit end.
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 12:33:15 -0400
Message-ID: <e1ja3l$h7k$***>
since ive gotten past caring so much about what others think of me
(i.e. hes been in a psych ward, stay away from him!), i find them to
be EXTREMELY useful tools. because whenever i find myself in the
depths of a serious clinical depression, and those intrusive thoughts
of suicide are pushing through, i know that if it becomes too much for
me (and my doctor) i can always drive myself there or call the cops,
sign myself in, spend three days or so in one of the safest
environments i know of, see a psychiatrist and counselor every single
day, sometimes twice a day, get fed, and best of all talk and see
others with my exact fucking mental problems, FORCING me to realize
that i am NOT alone in this, that others have the same shit too. and,
since im in such a controlled environment, they are often willing to
dose me with ativan when i need it since there are so many peeps
around. (no doctor in his right mind would prescribe me benzos
outside of a hospital setting, due to those intrusive suicidal
thoughts, EVEN THOUGH my past clearly shows i go for help before doing
any sort of suicidal bullshit. and yet theyll prescribe me enough
lithium to kill a horse. go figure.)
usually, now, when im down in the pit, just knowing were the ward is
helps me cope. like a safety blanket, i guess.
i actually blame flaagg for starting me to think a ward wasnt such a
bad place to be.
From: dave hillstrom <***@MeOw.oRg>
Newsgroups: alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk, alt.usenet.kooks
Subject: so, i just got back from the shrink...
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 18:55:38 -0400
Message-ID: <e503re$g37$***>
so, i just got back from the shrink. told him about the recent change
in personality i feel ive had in the last three weeks. ~/VASTLY/~
more aggressive, assertive, anxious in a violent way, severe ideations
of harming specific others (i.e. those that piss me the fuck off by
crossing me or my friends). a MARKED change from "increase the calm".
he asked when the last manic attack happened. i thought for a bit.
it was about a year ago. guess its time for another one. <sigh> but
im not convinced either way as to whether its a change caused by
outside events, or a change in my changeable brain chemistry <cringe>.
ive had years and years full of intrusive suicidal ideations, plans,
what have you. i cant even remember when else ive had intrusive
homicidal ideations, like now. its empowering in many ways, but also
dangerous and unwelcome as well.
my pdoc actually prescribed 30 count 1mg klonopin tabs, up to three a
day however i want to take them, to see if this helps. if in five
days its not helping (besides making me loopy), 20mg of zyprexa will
be tried. if a few days after that this rage isnt gone, i call my
pdoc up for help.
Post by dave hillstrom--
Dave Hillstrom mhm15x4 zrbj
"I can't find my puppy, can you help me find him? I think he went
into this cheap motel room."
-Dave Hillstrom
* __ __ __ _ | WE | ( ) | *
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* | |__ | () | | |__ |_| |PEOPLE | *
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* BTW, George Bush's head looks like a chimp. *
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* .-"-. _________________________________ *
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WTF is Fred Ziffel?
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