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2006-02-21 00:23:16 UTC
This is a nomination for the Busted Urinal Award. Bill Cleere is
the nominee.
Busted Urinal Award
The reward for the Lamest of the Lame on Usenet. One who clogs and
stinks up the joint like a busted urinal, you could say.
I'll second this nomination, though I do have some objections aboutthe nominee.
Busted Urinal Award
The reward for the Lamest of the Lame on Usenet. One who clogs and
stinks up the joint like a busted urinal, you could say.
today's AUK in general. I'll get into the latter at another time.
Were you around for a discussion started by David Formosa in AUK a few
months ago? My concerns are similar to David's.
company he keeps, but he's generally quite lucid. OTOH, have you
considered requesting a Formosa exeption for Dhumphries & Jason? - I
think most of us would agree that they are within spitting distance of
the dividing line.
theoretical ellipse there is to traverse and end up on the right side of
Now, if you were to take your black-clad, clove-smoking ass on a
contruction site, for instance, or to the for real 'hood, or the middle
of a swamp, or to jail, etc. and see how your Mutt-and-Jeff-looking self
copes with the situation compared to any of the other three people you
Off of the internet, your mindset would be the crazy one. The shit you
flap online doesn't go over very well in the real world.
I'd prefer, however, to
make my case privately to the vote wrangler, by email, before
make my case privately to the vote wrangler, by email, before
that conversation on Usenet again. Fair enough?
If you have any new arguments that you think will sway the consensusof collective Kookologist opinion WRT the Formosa Criterion[0], you
should be aware that these things are always discussed publicly.
If, OTOH, you /don't' have any new arguments on the subject, you're
probably wasting your time & that of the Esteemed FNVW.
get him nominated? Or was it a collective decision, from the mewling
sycophantic cretins who stagger in from AUK occasionally to belch a few
hapless syllables before following their own slime trails back home,
soundly chastened for their pathetic efforts?
Hi! I'm the .sig virus that will destroy Usenet. Please add me to your
Hi! I'm the .sig virus that will destroy Usenet. Please add me to your